The Allargentum appears intergrown with Silver and Dyscrasite. It is clearly differentiated and dominant in the analysis of the sample, so the right label is Allargentum. The Allargentum forms arborescent growths on a Calcite-rich matrix with small groups of Actinolite. We’ll send a copy of the analysis. Bouismas Mine, Bou Azzer area, Tazenakht, Ouarzazate Morocco (2009) Specimen size: 5.5 × 3.4 × 2.6 cm = 2.2” × 1.3” × 1.0” Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.1 cm = 0.2” × 0.0”in Allargentum
Allargentum with Dyscrasite, Silver, Calcite and Actinolite